Breadcrumb Home Governance Members, Trustees and Governors Trustees Edmonton County School Governors Lea Valley Academy Governors Salmons Brook Governors Members, Trustees and Governors Who we are and what we do Below is our list of Governors, under each entry you will see their Name and Title, Designation, Date of role expiry, and any business interests that need to be declared.
Members of Edmonton Academy Trust Mr Salih Suavi - Chair of Members Business: Employer provides pro bono IT support and equipment. Mr Clinton Page Senior Manager Investment Risk & Governance, Schroders Mr David Clarke Senior Manager Investment Risk & Governance, Schroders Mr Owen Vallis Business: Chief Risk Officer for SICO Bank in Bahrain Mr Clive Partridge Former employee of Metaswitch Trustees of Edmonton Academy Trust Mr Clive Partridge - Chair of Trustees Former employee of Metaswitch Dr Susan Tranter Chief Executive Officer of EdAct Mr Iain King Chief Financial Officer, DEFRA - 01/04/2023 Mr Edward Harrison SBS governor has been appointed a Trustee with effect from 11 December 2023 Ms Heather Knightly LVA governor has been appointed a Trustee with effect from 11 December 2023. Mr Martin Deboo Appointed a Trustee with effect from 23 April 2024 Edmonton County School Governors Mr Derek Richings Chair of Governors - Co-opted, 23/01/24 - Expiry: 31/08/2024 ROI: None Dr Susan Tranter - Executive Headteacher Businesses: National Child safeguarding practice panel, Trustee of OAE Ms Nicky Hill Co-opted Governor, Appointed 11/10/23- Expiry 10/10/27 Ms Karen Martin-Bitz Parent Governor, Appointed 06/10/23 - Expiry 05/10/27 Mr Abdul Mannan Parent Governor, Appointed 10/10/23 - Expiry 9/10/27 Ms Sweta Patel Staff Governor, Appointed 02/11/23 - Expiry 01/11/27 ROI: None Mrs Jane Chappell Community Governor, Appointed 22/01/24 - Expiry 21/01/28 Ms Laverne Rainford Parent Governor - Appointed -18/04/24, Expiry: 27/04/28 Lea Valley Academy Governors Ms Heather Knightley Chair of Governors Mr Stephen Kinson Headteacher Ms Mahnaz Asghar Parent Governor Mrs Ayse Mahendran Parent Governor, Appointed 29 October 2019/reappointed 30 November 2023 Mr Shaun Pascal Parent Governor Mr Derek Richings Co-opted,17/05/2022 Expiry: 17/05/2026 Miss Lauryn Pascal Community Governor - Appointed 21/09/23 - Expiry: 05/10/27 Ms Sophie Hughes Staff Governor - Expiry 01/01/28 Mrs Emma Morgan Staff Governor - Expiry 01/01/28 Salmons Brook Governors Mr Edward Harrison Chair of Governors Dr Jonty Clark Governor Mr Graham Reid Governor Mrs Mahmuda Hasnath-Karim Governor Ms Jenny Tosh Governor Miss Jade Simon Staff Governor, Appointed 15 April 2024 Mrs Janan Salaydin Parent Governor, Appointed 16 November 2023 Mr Andrew Lloyd ex-officio
Dr Susan Tranter - Executive Headteacher Businesses: National Child safeguarding practice panel, Trustee of OAE